Friday, January 8, 2010

How do i take care of my lip piercing??

my cousin pierced my lip for me earlier this week and i was just wondering how do i take care of it? and what do i do if it starts pussing?How do i take care of my lip piercing??
OMG you let someone pierce your lip...... does she have a lisence and did she use a 16 gage at least? oh no..... i would go to a dr. if not...... if so, she should have told you that you need to go to whole foods and get NON IODIZED sea salt, mix it with warm water and submurge it 2x a day for like 6 weeks for 5 min each. and clean it w antibacterial soap and do not put alcohol on it!!!! be careful cuz u can scar really bad if youre not!!!How do i take care of my lip piercing??
first off- don't let anyone give you any more piercings unless they're professionals!! you can get a terrible infection or tetanus, etc.

well, now that you've already done it, i'll stop the lecture (since i pierced my own when i was young and naive:)).

first off, go buy some antibacterial, alcohol free mouthwash (my favorite is biotene), and use it twice a day, as well as after you eat, drink, etc. i can't stress enough how it MUST be alcohol free. this means no listerine. it will kill off growing cells and significantly slow healing. an alternative to this is swishing with a mixture of sea salt and water (it should taste like tears, about a two teaspoons for a glass of water), but this is kind of a hassle and hard to do after every single thing you eat.

as for the outside, you should clean it gently with a simple antibacterial, fragrance free soap in the morning and at night, and if anything gets on it or in it. neutrogena bar soap works well. you should use a q-tip, wet it, rub it in the bar of soap, and clean all around the piercing. then you should do the same thing with water, and make sure the soap is washed off completely.

pus is normal, don't worry about it too much, but you can put a warm compress on it to ease it up a bit.

OH- also, no makeup around it, and NO ALCOHOL OR PEROXIDE. bad bad bad way to clean it. that's rule #1. and don't drink beer if you can help it, it's possible to get a yeast infection from it (yes, in your mouth. gross)
Keep it clean with peroxide and/or alcohol keep food and makeup out of it and if this is done it shouldnt have puss...rotate it or move it back and forth so your skin doesnt grow to it and dont take it out/change it until it is fully healed...unless it does begin to have puss or it is red and swollen...if this hapend take it out let it heal back up completley and re-do it again
Take it out. Those things are disgusting and, if you are going to do it, it needs to be done by a professional.
Use mouthwash everytime you eat. dab with alcohol 1-2 times a day usually is common treatment
How to take care of it=get rid of it

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