Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How do you take care of a lip piercing?

I got it pierced last Saturday.

and well, on the inside it's fine.

it's just on the outside, i just had puss come out of my lip..

i've been cleaning it..

with dial soap(what they told me to use!)..

but i was told i need alcohol free mouthwash..

so i got some crest mouthwash..and have been using three times a day..and letting it get on the piercing..

but i don't think it's working..

what should i do?

i don't wanna take out my piercing..How do you take care of a lip piercing?
puss is normal to the healing process, as long as it isnt swollen up or extremely painful. i would recommend not cleaning it as much, and MAKE SURE YOUR NOT DRINKING BEER.

if your still worried about it, call your piercer. he should look at it for free and tell you exactly what your need to do with it. or if there is anything wrong with it all.

well good luck (:How do you take care of a lip piercing?
i also have a lip piercing, the puss is normal, it's going to do that for 1-2 weeks

so any swelling or redness is normal, that just means its healing

dont OVER clean your piercings either, that can be just as dangerous as under cleaning them

the alcohol free mouth wash is good for the inside of your mouth, you can also use sea salt in warm water, and for the outside, use dial soap (they were right!)

do not use any harsh cleaners on your piercing

no alcohol, or neosporin, or even bactine

they will dry out and irritate your skin even more

the only things you piercing will ever need is

a) dial soap

and b) sea salt diluted in warm water

(NOT rock --%26gt; table salt)

soak your piercing in sea salt in warm water will draw out the bacteria, fight infection and speed the healing process naturally

and use the dial soap when you take your showers

so long as you keep your piercing clean, and irritation free, you should be fine

avoid picking at it, and dont touch it with dirty hands
the puss is coming from the inside (not of your mouth, the inside of your piercing)

hydrogen peroxide will disinfect it and wipe out any infection. i use it for my ears when I clean my gauges.

when you bath or shower, take the piercing out and clean the area with soap, as well as the ring.

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