Saturday, December 26, 2009

I just got my lip pierced about 4 hours ago? After care?

I got instructions but I cant exactly understand them. What do you do after your done eating?I just got my lip pierced about 4 hours ago? After care?
wash your mouth with non-alcoholic mouth wash.if you dont have any, use 1/2 normal mouthwash 1/2 water.

thats really all there is to itI just got my lip pierced about 4 hours ago? After care?
When you've finished eating, you'll need to rinse your mouth out with a good mouthwash. After care instructions differ from person to person; they tell you not to use a mouthwash with alcohol in it, but I used Listerine and my piercing is just fine.

If the food you had was particularly greasy, you should probably give the ring a cleaning with anti-bacterial soap as well and run it through the hole to make sure that no grease gets dragged inside of it when it turns. Even if you've gone out to eat, you can stop in the washroom to give it a rinse, at the very least.

Take care. x
Swish a rinse cup's worth of 50/50 alcohol-free mouthwash and tap water for 30 seconds after meals. Do a rinse cup of tap water and a table spoon of salt mixed together when you wake up and before bed until it's healed. Straight mouth wash isn't recommended for the first week or so, but after that, you can stop doing your 50/50 and go with straight mouthwash if you like, as long as it doesn't irritate you. You should also swab-clean the outside of your piercing with salt water, or, if your piercer gave you some sort of ointment, use that. Don't rush out and buy anything else; you shouldn't need it.

If you're still confused after getting your answers, call up your piercer and have them go into every detail, and write it down as they do so. Repeat back their instructions in your own words to make sure you're understanding correctly. Your piercer will not be annoyed; this is their job. Their customers are their best advertisement; so they want to be sure that you're 100% satisfied after healing so you'll pass their name along. They'll appreciate the fact that you're serious about your piercing and just as concerned as they are that it heal perfectly. All too many times clients don't take care of their piercings the way they should and the piercers end up assuming the blame.
Rinse your mouth out with mouthwash after you eat and drink anything that isn't water. Also, you could put some triple antibiotic ointment/neosporin for the outside. Also, you can get some gly-oxide from wal-mat or a drug store. It is for the inside. You can take ibuprofin or eat some ice to help the swelling.
Well, I imagine it's the same as a tongue piercing, so you rinse your mouth out with a sea salt solution or an alcohol free mouthwash such as Tom's of Maine.
After you are done eating just rinse your mouth out with mouth wash.
mouthwash then drink alittle bit of water. Goodluck with it.

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