Saturday, December 26, 2009

Lip Piercing care?

I got my lip pierced about a month ago and just changed it to a ring. It didn't hurt just took a little getting use to. I've been soaking it with salt water still twice a day, but I still can't get the raised skin around it outside to lower. Should I continue with the salt or should I try other methods?Lip Piercing care?
You should first remember to treat your new lip piercing as a wound, because it essentially is a new wound. Your body will do what it naturally does when there is a wound. You may experience some swelling, redness, scabbing, tenderness, and possibly bleeding. These are all natural occurrences in the healing process. There will also be some pus (a yellowish liquid) coming out of the wound. This is your body's way of protecting the area from any possible infections. The new piercing is essentially, a new entry way for bacteria to enter your body. Your body naturally tries to protect itself from getting an infection, and you need to help protect it too.

You need to keep your hands clean at all times. Wash your hands frequently, and any time if you are going to touch the piercing. This goes the same for any of your friends that want to touch it. They must wash their hands thoroughly or simply wait until the wound has healed. This will significantly reduce your chances of getting an infection.

Ibuprofen will help keep the swelling and tenderness to a minimum, and can be taken when needed for pain. Vitamin B with Zinc can help the healing process along. If possible, you should start taking this vitamin a few months before you get the piercing done. It may be best to choose a multivitamin with vitamin B and Zinc included for better overall health.

Avoid eating, smoking and drinking within the first three hours of the piercing.

How to Keep the Area Clean:

Wash your hands thoroughly before cleaning the area. Gently and completely cleanse the area with soap and water first. Using a cotton swab, cotton ball or tissue, gently remove any build up that may have formed around the piercing. This should be done twice a day.

Oral piercings are apt to have much fewer infections and reactions than other piercings. This is because of the mouth's natural ability to fight off bacteria. You need to carry out the standard oral hygiene to ensure that your mouth can do its job at fighting bacteria. You should brush and floss twice a day to continuously remove food particles that could get into the wound and cause an infection. You can also rinse with a salt water mixture to speed up the healing process and keep your mouth sanitized. This should be done after eating, smoking and drinking.

How to Keep Your Piercing Jewelry Clean:

Your jewelry can also carry bacteria and needs to be cleaned often and completely. You can't remove the piercing in the healing stage, so it will need to be cleaned while it's still in. You can do this with soap and warm water. Lather the piercing with your fingers thoroughly and rinse completely with warm water. Turn the piercing carefully and repeat. Avoid cleaning the area or piercing with alcohol or peroxide. This could harm or kill the tissue that needs to heal. Simply use an antibacterial soap with warm water.

Healing typically takes approximately ten days, but can vary slightly from person to person.


Things You鈥檒l Need:

Saline solution



Antibacterial soap

Salt water



Step 1:

Take Vitamins C, B and Zinc supplements a few months prior to getting your lip piercing to help your body prepare for the healing process.

Step 2:

Clean your lip piercing 2 to 3 times per day using saline solution. Use a cotton swab to help remove buildup around the piercing, then try to place a few drops of solution into the hole.

Step 3:

Maintain good oral hygiene when you care for a new lip piercing. Brush and floss your teeth twice daily and rinse with mouth wash each time. Rinse with saltwater to help the healing process.

Step 4:

Use antibacterial soap while in the shower to clean your face and lip area.

Step 5:

Wash your lip jewelry. Since you can't remove jewelry during the healing process you will need to clean it while it is in your lip. Use soap and warm water, lather up the jewelry with your fingertip then rinse it. Gently turn your piercing then lather and rinse again.


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