Monday, December 14, 2009

How to care for a lip piercing ?

if i just soak it in seal salt mix for like 5 minutes each time,and 2 times a day will i be ok?How to care for a lip piercing ?
I have my lip pierced and I didn't really bother cleaning it and it's never got infected. Generally speaking oral piercings heal in no time because saliva is a natural cleanser. That's why lip and tongue piercings heal faster than the rest. If you are going to clean it then the best way is to wear a ring rather than a stud because a ring will push the dirt out whereas a stud will lock it in, clean the outside of the piercing with anti-septic twice a day and you can just use mouth wash to clean the inside. If you follow that you shouldn't come into any troubleHow to care for a lip piercing ?
okay, to clean it you need...

1) biotene mouthwash. (it's a special mouthwash that doesn't burn when you use it, good for lip piercings.)

2) sea salt.

cleaning steps.

1. rinse your mouth with biotene when you wake up, after you eat, and before you go to bed every day for about two weeks.

2. get 1 cup of hot water and add 1/4 tablespoon of sea salt to it. stir.

then stick your lip (where the piercing is) into the cup for 3-5 minutes.

3. get a Q-tip and wipe off any crusties around the piercing.

the end!

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