Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I pierced my lip today by myself with a sterile needle. But how do I take care of it?

I just pierced my lip a while ago. it is a little red but it doesnt hurt. How do I take care of it?I pierced my lip today by myself with a sterile needle. But how do I take care of it?
Okay first off DO NOT use peroxide or alcohol near a piercing. You are never supposed to use either of them on a piercing. Use sea salt, lavender oil, and tea tree oil which can prevent an infection.

Make sure you let it heal completely if you decide you want to change the jewelry also.I pierced my lip today by myself with a sterile needle. But how do I take care of it?
I think that's a question you should have asked before piercing it...
I assume you have an earring on it. Do not allow a blood crust like to form. Keep moving the earring and use some peroxide, be care-full too much might burn.
Just make sure you keep it clean.
why on earth would u do that!?
wow i gottA hand it to you for having the guts to do it.

yeah and um it will hurt like h e l l a little bit later.lol. use hydrogen peroxide to cleanse it and twist whatever jewlery thats in your lip to keep the hole the same size. if it gets infected go to the doctor immediatly.
that would hurt!!!
hopefully you didn't **** up your face by using an earring in place of a ring or labret stud

anyway use anti bacterial soap (outside) and mouthwash

and DON'T ******* twist it whatever you do

god that's a dumb ***** whoever said that

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