Thursday, December 17, 2009

How do i take care of a nerve i hit while piercing my lip by myself?

i tried piercing my lip and i think that i hit a nerve because my lip got all numb and tingly. then that half of my face got tingly. how should i take care of it?How do i take care of a nerve i hit while piercing my lip by myself?
This is why they invented piercing parlors. Seriously did you take any time at all to look up how many nerves and major blood vessels are running through your lip? Before you shoved a needle haphazardly through it? There is a reason that professionals have a whole procedure for handwashing, needle sterilization (if you don't have an autoclave you shouldn't be sticking things in you) and such so you don't get any crazy blood borne pathogens. You are stupid...go to a doctor..and next time the 50 dollars for a professional to do it is worth avoiding the expensive hospital trip. Go to the doctor, you could get all kinds of stuff like a flesh eating bacteria or somethingHow do i take care of a nerve i hit while piercing my lip by myself?
See the doc, it needs checking out. Big risk of infection too. Seriously, see the doctor.

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