i know i'll get all this info from my piercer but i want to know what others did,like what did you rinse your mouth out with,%26amp; did you do sea salt soaks %26amp; did you clean the front with anti-bacteria soap?
thnkxHow to clean and care for your new lip piercing?
I assume you know never to use alcohol, peroxide, Bactine, and the like- since you know the proper aftercare, and all.
At first I rinsed with sea salt about 2 times a day, and cleaned the outside of the piercing with a q-tip dipped in the solution twice a day as well, but the sea salt on the facial part of my skin irritated it (no matter how much I cut back on the salt), and dried it out. So I started just cleaning the crusties off with hot water multiple times a day (while still doing the rinses).
Almost 3 weeks into the healing process, I started rinsing with sea salt once a day (mornings), and rinsing with diluted Scope once a day (nights). And cleaning the facial part of my piercing with J/A/S/O/N Tea Tree organic soap.
That method has worked wonders. That soap is amazing. Tea Tree Oil is really great for piercings (but in small doses)- helps with irritation, redness, etc.
But, Tea Tree Oil cannot be ingested. It's potentially toxic if ingested, but fine if used externally.
You don't have to use anti-bacterial soap. There has actually been studies that have proven that anti-bacterial soap doesn't kill anymore bacteria than regular soap when just used in the household.
It does, however, kill more bacteria when used in hospitals because they use it so many times, and at such high quantities of it.
Plain, hot water soaks/compresses are great for reducing redness, pain, swelling, and irritation, too.
I don't know who ever decided you couldn't eat for three hours after having it pierced?? That's not true at all.
You also do not have to rinse with sea salt or mouthwash after every meal, because that will lead to overcleaning.
Rinsing with just plain warm water is fine.How to clean and care for your new lip piercing?
dont use peroxide or alcohol on it. soak the outside of your lip with warm sea salt water twice a day and use an alcohol free mouthwash, such as biotene, after everytime you eat.
keep dirty hands away from it too.
For the outside you can use soap and water or sea salt and watr 2-3 times day. For teh inside you will need to use mouthwash after everything you eat, drink (except water) or put in your mouth like smoking for 2 weeks. Don't get a strong mouthwash like listerin...get a milder one... I used the no name brand.
Your piercer might also tell you to stay away from acidic food and milk products... The acidic food can irritate it and for milk it can cause a yeast infection..However I have never seen or heard of the yeast infection happening to anyone..you still might wanna consider doing without milk products for the first 2 weeks.
i don't have a lip piercing but i assume its similar to a cheek one.
1) rinse out mouth after eating. salt water would be awesome but water will do if your unprepared. (1/4tsp to 250ml water)
outside personally i'm a fan of the leave it the **** alone method. like when you have a cut and it scabs you don't poke at it and soak it etc. you leave it alone and sleep adequately and keep it clean through daily showering etc.
sea salt soaks are awesome if it looks pissed off but otherwise i'd leave it alone. just take off moist crust after shower ensuring you wipe it away from the piercing/wound.
and thats about it. oh and yeah don't play around with it even though its hard to resist
well im gonna get my lip pierced in 10 days but i know lots of things about taking care of well when u got your lip pierced always keep your hands clean before u touch it or play it. and also for cleaning it use anti-bacteria soap and cotton ball dont forget to brush your teeths or clean your mouth when u eat something :) also the important things is dont eat or drink anythin for three hours when u get your lip pierced also for the healing process get some vitamin a and c. if u can buy a cleaning solution for it buy it and also if u will need any help ask the person who is gonna pierce your lip :)
mine were such a pain in the ***.
but you start to enjoy cleaning your lip.
well i did.
what you DONT want to do is use peroxide that stuff will just kill you, lol.
the person thats doing it should give you a small bottle of anti-bacterial spray.
or i guess its not always spray... but a bottle..lol.
and you wanna put a few drops on your finger and just kinda rub it in/around your lip after every meal or snack.
its VERY important you keep it clean otherwise youll get an infection and you seriously dont want that.
oh and try not to drink what they give you.
its really gross but it cant harm you, lol.
This is what I suggest and no I did not just copy and paste this from some random website, I have actually tried all of this and yes, it works amazingly great =]
1. Do you have oily/combination or dry/flaky skin?
-For oily/combination. Use a 3 step system such as AcneFree, Clinique, or Proactive. Salicylic acid seems the best for oily/combination skin because it's stronger but it doesn't leave your skin feeling dry. I use Clinique 3 step system (I bought it two months ago) and I am seeing great results as such for the oily skin and my mild acne.
-For dry/flaky skin. I suggest you use benzoyl peroxide, its much gentler for drier skin and will leave your skin feeling moisturized and smooth. Also use SPF moistruizer everyday after cleansing and toning your skin.
2. Use a honey and banana mask 2-3 times a week. Take a little bit of honey and little peices of banana and massage it all together on your face, let it tighten yoru skin for 10 minutes, then risne off with luke warm water and then cold water. It will help prevent breakouts from occuring. After you rinse tha toff, take some clean and clear persa gel 10 (works great!) and dab a little on the pimples/zits you have. Do thsi before going to bed, next morning, rinse off and I swear your skin will feel and look amazing.
3. Do not eat much junk food (its ok to eat every once in awhile but not so much) because base from ym epxerince, I brokeout a lot from greasy foods like pizza, burgers, chips, soda, etc.
4. For bacne, I suggest scrubing your back every morning and night with Netruogena acne body wash. I use to use it and it works failry good, you will notice results in a week ro two
rubbing peroxide can do it. It is similar to mouth wash dont swallow it and it wont harm you. It cleans your teeth and tongue also.
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