i want the best lip care product but i want one that is a moisturizer and waxy but i dont want one that has a strong smell so that someone smell really far away and also want one that keeps your lips soft and color tone but i want a cheap so i dont spend a lot of money just for one lip care product when i can buy a whole lot of other stuffWhat is the best lip care product?
i particularly like blistex medicated. it comes in this little blue tube. stay away from chapstick. they're not of good quality. i also like burts bees but they can have some bad smells sometimes. if you find blistex medicated don't hesistate to get it. if you persistently use it for 2 or 3 weeks you'll definitely notice softer and fuller lipsWhat is the best lip care product?
bath and body works is really good, but its pretty pricey for chapstick
Soft lips tastes really good....
carmelex is cheap, you can get it at CVS for two dollars, max, and it leaves your lips with a gentle shine.
bonnie bell lip smackers in dr. pepper. adds a little color, lots of moisture, some shine, and stays on for a long time! oh, and cheap!
get the good old ChapStick brand with SPF in it. it works for me and it keeps you from getting blisters etc...
if that doesnt suit you i suggest burts bees chapstick, but that can be kind of pricey.
go to this site
burtsbees makes my lifes feel so cool
lipsmackers are great too and they smeelll
lol im not a little girl cus i like lip smackers but they realy do moisturize well and they are cheap
burt's bee's lip balm is good. u can get it from like walmart. and it's all natural.
vaseline has no smell and it's cheap and way better than any chapstick:)
you should try AVON products
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