Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Keloid on lip piercing - care instructions?

I got my bottom lip pierced in mid-July, so it's been about a month and a half. I do admit that, although I was very good about cleaning it regularly for the first few weeks, I've since not been so good about it.

I recently noticed that I have a skin formation right next to the piercing, on the inside of my mouth. The formation is white/creamy in color and only borders the piercing on one side. I have not tried squeezing it, but I did stick a needle in it just to see if it was pus, and instead a small amount of blood seeped out. It's not infected, and as far as I'm aware, it's not a hypertrophic scar (which I've been told never expand outside of the original boundaries of the piercing). So, I'm pretty sure it's a keloid. I know aspirin works well as a remedy for keloids, but I can't use aspirin in my mouth. I have been using a sea-salt rinse for a couple of days, but I'm sure I'll have to wait to see results with that. Does anyone have any other suggestions?Keloid on lip piercing - care instructions?
it's not a keloid i can say that without seeing it.... it's just healing slowly. your body does not want that piercing in there and will do what it takes to get rid of it.... keep with the sea salt twice a day, make sure it's non-iodized sea salt. get a gallon of distilled water and put 3 tablespoons of the salt in it and shake it to dissolve, the solution should taste like tears. rinse for one whole minute twice a day.... also about the asprin, what you should do is get Goodys powder or BC powder and add a couple dropse of water and make a paste.... the get the paste on a q-tip and hold it on there for about a minute once a day.. it may take a week or so but it will do the trickKeloid on lip piercing - care instructions?
I would suggest to see a doctor, my daughter got a huge keloid on her ear now from a darn earpiercing. I so regret doing that piercing.

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